Acquire Data-Driven Advertising, Auckland | Sortlist
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Acquire Data-Driven Advertising

Auckland, New Zealand
We help businesses plan, launch and optimise their digital advertising campaigns.
We help businesses deliver better ROI for their digital advertising investment. Digital is getting harder, businesses are challenged with keeping pace with the changes and choices in technology, data and privacy laws, layered with delivering results for the business. This is where Acquire can help. We are single-minded in our focus to deliver tangible, and insightful benefits to businesses through digital advertising. We won’t lie, technology in this area moves quickly, but we love this; our people are the best in the industry they relish discovering new AdTech and determining how it can be used to its best advantages for our clients. What makes us unique is our ability to quickly learn and adapt to new tech quickly, and practically applying it to the New Zealand environment. Over the past decade we have introduced over thirty new technologies to the New Zealand market. It started by being the first multi-platform provider - to now having developed our own proprietary machine learning, smart buying algorithm. We do this to provide our clients with a competitive edge when spending their precious ad budget. With our experience we can help you on the journey to get true visibility of your digital advertising, using your data to improve your ROI and drive business results. Take the first step. Benchmark your current state of advertising. Discover what you can do better and the impact it will have on your business. Schedule a free discovery session today. Chris Schultz [email protected]
4 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2012
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1 service offered by Acquire Data-Driven Advertising

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    Media Planning
    Skills in Media Planning (1)
    Media Buying

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4 members in Acquire Data-Driven Advertising's team

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Contact details of Acquire Data-Driven Advertising


  • Headquarter196 Great North Road, Auckland, undefined, 1021, NZ