Ingenium IDS Ltd
At Ingenium, we offer a range of solutions and a decade of experience to help you deliver the right message, to the right people, at the right time - making your campaigns more effective and generating those all-important leads.We have addressed the challenges faced by sales and marketing departments to identify the key organisations and stakeholders and to use tailored digital communications as a platform for demand creation.Working with us gives you access to the UK's largest public sector contact database. But size isn't everything. It's the level of detail that counts.We work hard to keep our database structured and up-to-date - with over 500 edits a day giving you a real-time picture of the public sector landscape.We know every contact inside out. Who they are, where they work, their responsibilities and the role they play in their organisation.In fact, many private and public companies consider our data to be the gold standard and use our database to discover inaccuracies and shortcomings in their own.What does all that mean for you? Insight. Flexibility. And reduced risk.At a moment's notice, we can provide you with a detailed cross-section of any public sector audience. Our team can create highly personalised content designed to target any number of decision makers within that audience. And we can show you results from previous campaigns - so you can see how we've successfully targeted similar audiences in the past.Isn't data wonderful?
40 people in their team
Speaks English
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4 services offered by Ingenium IDS Ltd
Description No description provided for this service.
Learn more about Content StrategyDescription No description provided for this service.
Learn more about Branding & PositioningDescription No description provided for this service.
Skills in Social Media (1) Digital Communication
Learn more about Social MediaDescription No description provided for this service.
Learn more about Marketing
40 members in Ingenium IDS Ltd's team
Ingenium IDS Ltd was awarded 0 times
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Contact details of Ingenium IDS Ltd
- Headquarter173-191 Wellington Road South, Stockport, Surrey SK1 3UA United Kingdom
- Stockport - England (GB)
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