Knox Design Strategy LLC, New York | Sortlist
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Knox Design Strategy LLC

New York, United States
Brand Strategy Made Visible. Results Made Real.
Knox Design Strategy is a branding and design agency that specializes in brand strategy, brand identity, marketing communications, website design and intranets for professional services firms around the world. Our design studio builds effective, visually striking and strategic solutions precisely tailored to our clients’ specific needs. Simply designing a website, an intranet or a brand identity isn’t particularly hard. But building great ones that last? That requires insight, talent and effort, as well as the ability to apply left-brain thinking to right-brain situations. Done well, this kind of work is transformative. It’s a genuine game-changer. At Knox Design Strategy, this is what we’re all about.
3 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2009
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2 services offered by Knox Design Strategy LLC

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  • Description
    Branding & Positioning
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (4)
    Corporate IdentityCorporate BrandingRebrandingBrand Design

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description
    Graphic Design
    Skills in Graphic Design (1)
    Infographic Design

    Learn more about Graphic Design

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3 members in Knox Design Strategy LLC's team

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Contact details of Knox Design Strategy LLC


  • HeadquarterNew York, NY, USA