Modern Designers Design Agency, Manchester | Sortlist
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Modern Designers Design Agency

Manchester, United Kingdom
Design Services Manchester
About You. This is the bit where we talk about ourselves. This project and that big client. This award and that thing we won that’s now a doorstop yadda yadda yadda. This isn’t really our style though. This is because we’d rather listen to our clients, instead of talking at them. This is why our ideas never come off the shelf. This is why we work with everyone from fashion labels to charities. This is lovingly crafted print, exhibitions, digital, the lot. This is attention to detail and time well spent. This is about finding the best way for you to engage with your audience. This is modern design thinking.
16 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2004
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1 service offered by Modern Designers Design Agency

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  • Description
    Graphic Design
    Skills in Graphic Design (1)
    Corporate Design

    Learn more about Graphic Design

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16 members in Modern Designers Design Agency's team

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Modern Designers Design Agency was awarded 0 times


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Contact details of Modern Designers Design Agency


  • HeadquarterManchester, UK