The Media Outfit B.V.
The Media Outfit biedt adverteerders en communicatiebureaus écht geïntegreerde through-the-line mediacampagnes. In massamedia én via 1-op-1 marketing. In owned, earned en paid media. Wij zijn een persoonlijk mediabureau dat onze opdrachtgevers (wij zeggen eigenlijk liever: businesspartners) dagelijks met zeer ervaren media-experts op een pragmatische en transparante wijze voorziet van heldere en resultaat-gedreven media-adviezen. Wij kopen mediaplannen in tegen de scherpste tarieven en verzorgen ook de administratieve afhandeling van de mediacampagnes. Naast exposure voor merken via massamedia bouwen wij via direct marketing oplossingen aan directe relaties met klanten én prospects van onze klanten, o.a. via leadgeneratie. Onze full service en through-the-line benadering is een garantie dat wij een volledig middelenneutraal advies kunnen uitbrengen. Terwijl wij onze klanten ontzorgen op het gehele mediatraject, kunnen zij zich concentreren op de eigen core-expertise. Woorden die onze werkwijze typeren zijn: snel, flexibel, klantgericht, respectvol, doordacht, persoonlijk en “fun to work with”. Onze aanpak werkt! Al sinds 2009. The personal, no-nonsense media agency of Amsterdam for an integrated (mass) media advice and direct marketing solutions by experienced media experts. The media agency that works!
6 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English, Spanish
1 project in their portfolioWorks remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2018
Founded in 2009
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12 services offered by The Media Outfit B.V.
Description The Media Outfit biedt adverteerders en communicatiebureaus écht geïntegreerde through-the-line mediacampagnes. In massamedia én via 1-op-1 marketing. In owned, earned en paid media.
Wij zijn een persoonlijk mediabureau dat onze opdrachtgevers (wij zeggen eigenlijk liever: businesspartners) dagelijks met zeer ervaren media-experts op een pragmatische en transparante wijze voorziet van heldere en resultaat-gedreven media-adviezen.
Wij kopen mediaplannen in tegen de scherpste tarieven en verzorgen ook de administratieve afhandeling van de mediacampagnes.
Woorden die onze werkwijze typeert zijn: snel, flexibel, klantgericht, respectvol, goed doordacht, persoonlijk, ondernemend en "fun to work with"
Onze aanpak werkt al sinds 2009! We helpen ook jouw organisatie graag bij een succesvolle entree op de Nederlandse markt. Benieuwd hoe The Media Outfit voor jou kan werken? Je bent van harte welkom, neem daarom nu contact met ons op!
Thinking of entering the Dutch market? Choose for certainty and experience and contact the experienced media experts of The Media Outfit! Proven successful.
The Media Outfit offers advertisers truly integrated through-the-line media campaigns, in mass media and via direct marketing. In owned, earned and paid media.
We are a media agency with a personalized approach which provides its clients (we would rather say: business partners) on a daily basis with clear and result-driven media plans. Pragmatic and transparent, by very experienced media experts, all former management team members of (international network-) agencies. Our customer base mainly consists of ambitious medium-size and smaller clients for whom failure is not an option.
Words that characterize our working process are: fast, flexible, client-focussed, respectful, well thought-out, personal and “fun to work with”.
Our approach works! Since 2009. We would also love to help you to enter the Dutch market successfully as well. Curious on how The Media Outfit could work for you? Please feel welcome and contact us now!Skills in Media Planning (3) Media Buying and BookingMedia StrategySocial Media Advertising
Learn more about Media PlanningDescription The Media Outfit biedt adverteerders en communicatiebureaus écht geïntegreerde through-the-line mediacampagnes. In massamedia én via 1-op-1 marketing. In owned, earned en paid media.
Wij zijn een persoonlijk mediabureau dat onze opdrachtgevers (wij zeggen eigenlijk liever: business partners) dagelijks met zeer ervaren media-experts op een pragmatische en transparante wijze voorziet van heldere en resultaat-gedreven media-adviezen.
Wij kopen mediaplannen in tegen de scherpste tarieven en verzorgen ook de administratieve afhandeling van de mediacampagnes.
Woorden die onze werkwijze typeert zijn: snel, flexibel, klantgericht, respectvol, goed doordacht, persoonlijk, ondernemend en "fun to work with"
Onze aanpak werkt al sinds 2009! We helpen ook jouw organisatie graag bij een succesvolle entree op de Nederlandse markt. Benieuwd hoe The Media Outfit voor jou kan werken? Je bent van harte welkom, neem daarom nu contact met ons op!
Thinking of entering the Dutch market? Choose for certainty and experience and contact the experienced media experts of The Media Outfit! Proven successful.
The Media Outfit offers advertisers truly integrated through-the-line media campaigns, in mass media and via direct marketing. In owned, earned and paid media.
We are a media agency with a personalized approach which provides its clients (we would rather say: business partners) on a daily basis with clear and result-driven media plans. Pragmatic and transparent, by very experienced media experts, all former management team members of (international network-) agencies. Our customer base mainly consists of ambitious medium-size and smaller clients for whom failure is not an option.
Words that characterize our working process are: fast, flexible, client-focussed, respectful, well thought-out, personal and “fun to work with”.
Our approach works! Since 2009. We would also love to help you to enter the Dutch market successfully as well. Curious on how The Media Outfit could work for you? Please feel welcome and contact us now!Skills in Data Consulting (6) Marketing DirectData Analysis and ReportingData CollectionData ReportsBig Data AnalyticsData-Driven Digital Marketing
Learn more about Data ConsultingDescription No description provided for this service.
Work in Branding & Positioning (1) Client in Branding & Positioning (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about Branding & PositioningDescription No description provided for this service.
Skills in Digital Strategy (3) Data VerslaggevingMedia StrategieData Driven MarketingWork in Digital Strategy (1) Client in Digital Strategy (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about Digital StrategyDescription No description provided for this service.
Work in Public Relations (PR) (1) Client in Public Relations (PR) (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about Public Relations (PR)Description No description provided for this service.
Work in Event (1) Client in Event (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about EventDescription No description provided for this service.
Skills in Online Advertising (1) Advertentie DisplaysWork in Online Advertising (1) Client in Online Advertising (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about Online AdvertisingDescription No description provided for this service.
Work in Advertising (1) Client in Advertising (1) om | nieuwe energieEnergy & Oil | national
Learn more about AdvertisingDescription No description provided for this service.
Skills in Web analytics/Big data (2) Big Data AnalyticsBig Data Marketing
Learn more about Web analytics/Big dataDescription No description provided for this service.
Learn more about Marketing
6 members in The Media Outfit B.V.'s team
The Media Outfit B.V. was awarded 0 times
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Contact details of The Media Outfit B.V.
- HeadquarterAmsterdam - NH (NL)
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