Designing for Mobile: Considerations for Website Redesigns
Website Creation & Design

Designing for Mobile: Considerations for Website Redesigns

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As mobile usage continues to dominate the digital landscape, it is crucial for businesses to prioritize mobile-responsive designduring website redesigns.

This article will discuss the increasing importance of mobile-responsive design and provide tips for creating a mobile-friendly website during a redesign.

But what exactly is mobile-responsive design, and how can businesses ensure that their website is mobile-friendly during a redesign?

The practice of building a website that automatically adjusts its layout and functionality to the size and capabilities of the device being used to access it is simply referred to as mobile-responsive design.

This means that a website designed with mobile responsiveness will look and function just as well on a desktop computer as on a smartphone or tablet.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when designing a mobile-responsive website, look out for trends.

First and foremost, you need to prioritize the needs of the user. Think about the types of tasks and information that mobile users are likely to seek, and ensure they can easily access this content on a small screen.

Do some user research before redesigning followed by user testing. You may also need to simplify the overall design and layout of the website to make it more user-friendly on mobile devices.

Businesses must optimize their website for mobile devices because over 52% of global website traffic in 2020 came from mobile devices, according to Statista, and Google states that mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor for search engine results.

A mobile web page not only improves the user experience for mobile visitors, but it can also have a positive impact on search engine rankings and overall brand image.

So gather the user feedback and apply it to your mobile design.


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Size Matters: Making Your Website Mobile-Friendly

One of the key considerations in mobile-responsive design is ensuring that the website is easily accessible and user-friendly on small screens.

This means taking into account the types of tasks and information that mobile users are likely to be seeking and simplifying the overall design and layout of the website as necessary.

It is also important to pay attention to the aesthetic of the website on mobile devices, including the use of typography, colour scheme, and overall layout.

For example, consider the layout of your website on a desktop versus a mobile device. A main navigation menu is displayed at the top of the page on a desktop and additional content and links are displayed in the body of the page, which users may be accustomed to seeing.

However, on a mobile device, this type of layout may be less effective. Mobile screens are typically smaller, so it may be necessary to reorganize the content in a way that is more easily accessible on a small screen.

This could involve using a hamburger menu to hide the main navigation, or displaying links in a more vertical layout.

Speed is Key: Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Performance

In addition to the mobile UX design, it is also important to consider the technical aspects of a mobile-responsive website.

This includes the loading speed of the website, which is especially important for mobile users who may not have access to a strong or stable connection.

For example, a blank or static screen will force users to leave your mobile apps. Optimization techniques such as compressing images and minifying code can help to ensure that the website loads quickly on all devices.

mobile speed

Mobile Mavericks: Examples of Successful Mobile-Responsive Design

In addition to these technical considerations, you should also think about the overall aesthetic of the website on mobile devices.

This includes things like typography, colour scheme, and layout. You may need to make adjustments to these elements to ensure that the website looks and feels cohesive on all devices.

mobile visual elements

For example, consider the use of font sizes and styles. On a desktop, users may be able to comfortably read small or medium-sized text.

However, on a mobile device, users may have a harder time reading text that is too small. It may be necessary to increase the font size or use a sans-serif font that is easier to read on a small screen.

Designing for Touch: Making Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Another important consideration for mobile-responsive design is the use of touch-friendly elements. Mobile users interact with websites differently than desktop users, primarily through the use of touch gestures such as tap, swipe, and pinch-to-zoom.

According to a study by Google, 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead.

Furthermore, Google also found that users who had a positive experience on a mobile site were 67% more likely to buy a product or service from that company.

Mobile-Specific Features: Enhancing the User Experience

Additionally, businesses should consider incorporating mobile-specific features such as click-to-call and click-to-map buttons, which make it easy for mobile users to contact the business or find its location.

In addition to improving user experience, mobile-responsive design can also have a significant impact on search engine rankings.

Google has stated that mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor for search engine results. A study by BrightEdge found that mobile-friendly sites rank 1.8x higher in Google search results than non-mobile-friendly sites.

Structured Data: Improving Search Engine Rankings

Another important aspect of the mobile-responsive design is the use of mobile-specific metatags and structured data. These tags and data can help search engines understand the content of a website, which can improve the website’s search engine ranking.

Examples of successful mobile-responsive design include Airbnb, which simplifies the booking process on mobile by prominently displaying the search bar and call-to-action buttons, and Amazon, which uses a hamburger menu to hide the main navigation and display links in a more vertical layout.

Let’s recap

If you’re planning a website redesign and want to make sure it’s mobile-friendly, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Start by conducting a mobile audit of your existing website. This will help you identify any areas that aren’t currently mobile-friendly, and provide a roadmap for the redesign process and mobile interface design.
  • Use responsive design techniques like flexible grids and media queries to ensure that your website adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. Pay attention to Google Android and Apple’s human interface guidelines.
  • Prioritize the user experience. Collect valuable feedback and consider what tasks and information mobile users are likely to be seeking, and make sure they’re easily accessible on a small screen.
  • Optimize your website for speed. This includes compressing images, minifying code, and reducing the number of HTTP requests.
  • Pay attention to the aesthetic of the website on mobile devices. This includes things like typography, colour scheme, layout and any interactive elements.

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Some successful examples of companies that have implemented mobile-responsive design include Airbnb, eBay, and Starbucks.

All of these companies have seen an increase in mobile traffic and conversions as a result of their mobile-friendly websites.

In fact, a study by Adobe found that companies with mobile-responsive websites saw an average increase of 20% in sales compared to those without.

Mobile-responsive design is not only limited to websites. It’s also crucial for the design of successful apps and user interface design.

Well-designed mobile apps today can improve the user experience, increase engagement, and drive profits for a business.

This is why it’s important to prioritize good design practices in mobile app design, such as using clear and intuitive navigation, consistent branding, and responsive layout.


The importance of mobile-responsive design for businesses cannot be understated.

With the increasing number of users accessing the internet on their mobile phone and tablets, it is crucial for companies to ensure that their website is optimized for mobile devices in order to improve the user experience, increase search engine rankings, and drive profits.

By following the tips outlined in this article, app developers can create a mobile-friendly website that meets the needs of their users and sets them up for success in the digital age.


Should I design for mobile-first?

Yes, designing for mobile-first is recommended to prioritise a responsive and user-friendly experience on smaller screens.

What is always design for mobile-first?

Always design for mobile-first to ensure accessibility and adaptability across various devices, enhancing overall user satisfaction.


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